Tuesday, September 29, 2020

What Layton residents did before a 911 system -- A scary emergency in 1947 Layton

                                         A Layton City ambulance.

WE take the 911 system and ambulance service for granted in emergencies today. But, what used to happen before that standard option came along? Here is the summary of an emergency in 1947 Layton City:
"Baby's antic; Mother frantic; All in panic" was a Feb. 6, 1947 headline in the Weekly Reflex newspaper of Kaysville-Bountiful.
Richard Anderson, 2, found a razor blade in his mother's sewing box. He put it in his mouth and his mother saw blood all over and could not get the blade safely out of his mouth.
First, she ran to a neighbor for help. They were unable to locate a doctor in either Layton or Kaysville. So, the two women flagged down a Utah Highway Patrolman and they were rushed to St. Mark's Hospital in Salt Lake City, some 30 miles away, in his car.
X-rays showed the razor blade was missing. Later, the blade was found on the neighbor's porch.

                                             Layton City's modern 911 call center.

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